WANASEA 2018-2020



Erasmus+ program implemented by a consortium of 15 European and Southeast Asian partners, the project aims to strengthen the production, management and outreach of research in the field of WAter and NAtural resources in South-East Asia (WANASEA).



→ Enhance the scientific cooperation between researchers, PhD students and non-academic Stakeholders

→ Improve the quality of Master and PhD programs in the Asian partner universities.

→ Development of relevant multidisciplinary research.

→ Strengthening the scientific collaboration between Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam and Europe

→ Make Asian and European universities more internationalized


Expected results

→ Strengthening of scientific expertise in the field of multidisciplinary research, supporting the development of research and innovative capacities;

→ Strengthening of the institutional capacities of universities to support researchers in their societal approach, directly supporting the governance, strategic planning and management of HEIs;

→ Creation of open spaces for exchange and develop channels of communication with other stakeholders, academic and non-academic, on an international scale, in order to improve the quality of HEI curricula. Credibility and scientific recognition can only be achieved through practices that meet international standards and by facilitating the integration of ASEAN higher education and research institutions into broader scientific networks.


CREED’s role

CREED is responsible for Work Package 3–Improve quality of teaching and research in the field of WNRM:

→ Elaboration and realization of 5 training sessions on topics following the cycle of project.

→ Organize special mobility in EU institutions (around 9 people, one per ASEAN partner) in order to share good practices and to foster international scientific cooperation initiatives between partners and other economic institutions.



– Union Européenne (co-funder) ;
– University of Nantes (UN), FRANCE
– The Graduate Academy of Social Sciences (GASS), VIETNAM
– École française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO), FRANCE
– Institut de recherche pour le Développement (IRD), FRANCE
– Center for Research and Expertise on Education and Development (CREED), FRANCE
– The University of Southern Denmark – Department of Environmental and Business Economics (SDU), DENMARK
– Universitat de Barcelona (UB), SPAIN
– Institut de Technologie du Cambodge (ITC), CAMBODIA
– Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), CAMBODIA
– National University of Management (NUM), CAMBODIA
– Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University (TU), THAILAND
– Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD), Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University (CMU), THAILAND
– Can Tho University (CTU), VIETNAM
– Vietnam Maritime University (VMU), VIETNAM
– RMIT University (RMIT-VN), VIETNAM

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